Super New Moon in Leo – 11th August 2018 + Partial Solar Eclipse

//Super New Moon in Leo – 11th August 2018 + Partial Solar Eclipse

Super New Moon in Leo – 11th August 2018 + Partial Solar Eclipse


More energetic changes and shifts afoot, especially around personal power and growth. Expect a powerful rebirthing to fully become the person you are meant to be. It’s time to step up to the plate, radiating your glory, completely seen and being an active main role in your own life. This is the opportunity to explore our motivations, to better understand ourselves but to also reshape and reimagine ourselves too. Attune and align. Allow your heart to confidently lead you.

This Moon is more intense than a usual New Moon, and it’s one final push to get you in touch with your heart and happiness. Expect self-love and acceptance to feature strongly now, as well as the unexpected. New pathways and cycles are opening and being revealed to you, as your new found adventurer spirit encourages you to be fearless, wild and courageous. You’ll question old habits and behaviours in search and favour of truth, more authenticity and the new.

You’re now being offered the chance to get to the root of a problem, before taking action. It’s all about contemplation and confronting the shadow, but do watch out for power struggles and control issues within relationships at this time, which could lead to debate or arguments. Relax. Examine your beliefs and attitudes.

This phase and sign combination are all about re-energising and building up motivation and passion to progress. The mind fog and confusion is now replaced by clarity, clear thinking and golden illumination. Be persistent yet patient while discovering, reflecting upon and revealing all that holds you back, and your search for answers. Have faith. They are coming. Allow everything to unfold.


Moon day blessings,

Louise x
