Full Moon in Cancer – 22nd December 2018

//Full Moon in Cancer – 22nd December 2018

Full Moon in Cancer – 22nd December 2018

Coming home…

Deeply emotional, watery Moon with lots of push and pull, yet also softening the harsh edges of the recent months. Warm, motherly energy now surrounds us like a hug.

Emphasis on completion is stronger now than ever, as new beginnings beckon, bringing much reflection and careful consideration for the year ahead, to help us identify what we do and do not want to carry with us into the next part of the journey. Take time to focus on the new, or trying a different approach. There’s opportunity here to evaluate and process what’s been holding us back till now, to start reclaiming our power.

This Moon brings release, after the deep-sea dive into our darkest depths, to figure out how best to nurture and care for ourselves in preparation for the future and to welcome positive changes. Do watch out for pressures that lead to conflict, as well as overreactions. Manage tension and stress with maximum self care. Rest and relax. Self-responsibility is key, as we can only rely on so much support from others, before we need to take the lead once again.

There’s also strong intuitive energy now, that you’re encouraged to take heed of. Listen and feel your way forward, with knowing and instinct. Utilize senses, especially around relationships of all kinds. Insightful problem solving is now doable. Compassion and forgiveness are boosted, and the gentle hope and promise of things to come can finally fill us with excitement, as opportunities open.

Winter blessings to you all,

Louise x
